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Kalispell Dog Bite Lawyer

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Has a dog bitten you or a loved one in the Kalispell area? Sadly, you are not alone. All too often, irresponsible pet owners fail to restrain their animals, and the result is a terrifying incident that can change a victim’s life in an instant. That’s where a Kalispell dog bite lawyer at Travis, Moore & Brann PLLP come in.

Our Kalispell dog bite injury lawyers understand the pain and distress you’re going through, and we’re here to help you pursue justice and seek compensation. What’s more, our Kalispell dog bite attorneys won’t charge any fees unless we win. Call (406) 752-7550 or contact us online to get started with a free consultation.

Common Injuries and Consequences of Dog Bites

You’re not alone if you’re suffering from the injuries caused by a dog bite injury. You might not realize that according to research published in 2019 by the medical journal Heliyon:

  • Every year, more than 337,000 Americans are treated in emergency departments for dog bites.
  • More than 80 percent of dog bites happen in the home.
  • The estimated cost of these bites is at least $795 million per year.

A dog bite can leave lasting scars, both physical and emotional. Among the most common severe injuries are the following:

Lacerations and puncture wounds

Dog teeth can pierce the skin, causing deep puncture wounds or ragged lacerations that often require stitches. These wounds can reach muscles and bones, leading to severe bleeding and the risk of infection. Scarring is common; some injuries may need reconstructive surgery to heal correctly.


Dog bites can introduce dangerous bacteria like tetanus or rabies, which can have severe health implications if untreated. Infections like cellulitis may cause fever, swelling, and extreme pain, even with medical care. In rare cases, infections can spread systemically, potentially leading to life-threatening complications.


Depending on the breed and size of the dog, bites can exert tremendous force on bones, particularly in children or older adults. This force can result in broken bones, such as fingers, arms, or legs, which may require splints or surgical intervention. Healing can take weeks to months.

Disfigurement and scarring

Deep wounds from bites can leave permanent scars or cause disfigurement, particularly when the face or hands are affected. This visible scarring can profoundly impact one’s self-esteem and confidence, leading to long-term emotional and psychological effects.

Nerve damage

A hard bite can sever or damage nerves, resulting in numbness, tingling, or chronic pain in the affected area. This damage may cause permanent sensory or motor impairment, requiring long-term physical therapy and sometimes surgical intervention.

Emotional trauma

A dog attack can lead to anxiety, nightmares, and fear of dogs or public spaces. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common, especially among children, and can significantly impact everyday life. Counseling and therapy are often needed to work through the trauma and restore a sense of safety.

Compensation Available for Dog Bite Victims

Depending on the circumstances of your injuries, the dog’s owner could owe you money for your medical bills:

  • Medical expenses: Emergency room visits, surgeries, physical therapy, and medication
  • Lost wages: Income lost due to time away from work or reduced earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering: Compensation for physical pain and emotional distress
  • Disability: Permanent impairment or disability affecting quality of life
  • Property damage: Repairing or replacing personal property destroyed in the attack

Pursuing a Dog Bite Injury Claim

Handling the legal assistance for a dog bite injury claim can seem daunting, but you can protect your rights by taking a few simple steps:

  • Document the attack: Take photos of your injuries, the scene, and any torn or bloodied clothing. Collect witness information if possible.
  • Identify the dog and owner: Try to find out who owns the dog if you do not already know. Take photos of the animal if you can.
  • Report to animal control: Report the attack so the authorities can investigate and document the incident.
  • Seek medical attention: Your health is important. Go to the doctor immediately, even if the injury seems minor.
  • Consult with a lawyer: An experienced personal injury attorney will evaluate your case and guide you through the legal process.

The Dog Bite Lawsuit Process

Knowing what to expect as you pursue your dog bite case can make a complicated process much more approachable. Here’s how yours and dog bite cases might play out:

  • Consultation and Investigation: Our attorneys meet with you for a comprehensive case review and then gather valuable evidence to back up your claim.
  • Filing the Complaint: We draft and file the legal documents that officially start your lawsuit.
  • Negotiations and Settlement: The insurance company often offers a settlement before trial. We negotiate hard for the full amount you deserve.
  • Trial Preparation: If negotiations and mediations fail, we prepare for trial by assembling witnesses, evidence, and expert testimonies.
  • Trial: Our attorneys will present your case to the judge and jury, advocating passionately for a favorable verdict.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dog Bite Lawsuits

Handling the aftermath of a dog bite can be overwhelming. We know you’ve got questions, which is why we’ve provided this FAQ section to get you started.

Who can be responsible for a dog bite injury?

In Montana, you can hold a dog’s owner liable if their animal causes injury to you, small children or a loved one. Depending on the circumstances, a third party, such as a landlord or property owner, may also bear some responsibility if they contributed to the circumstances behind the attack. It’s crucial to consult a lawyer to identify all potentially liable parties and claim full compensation.

How long do I have to file a dog bite lawsuit in Montana?

Montana law generally allows victims up to three years from the date of the injury to file a personal injury lawsuit. This time frame is known as the “statute of limitations.” You may lose your right to seek compensation if you miss this deadline. Contact an attorney promptly to get your claim started in the appropriate time frame.

What if the dog owner is a friend or family member?

It’s understandable to feel uncomfortable pursuing legal action against someone close to you. However, remember that most dog bite claims go through homeowners’ or renters’ insurance policies. Your compensation is likely to come from an insurance company, not directly from the dog owner’s property. An experienced attorney can help manage this delicate situation while pursuing the compensation you deserve.

Do I need a lawyer to handle my dog bite case?

While you could certainly try to pursue your claim yourself, having an experienced attorney significantly improves your chances of achieving a favorable outcome. An Kalispell dog bite lawyer will understand Montana’s specific laws and can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to obtain compensation. A lawyer will also guide you through each step of the legal process, allowing you to focus on recovery.

What if the dog owner claims I provoked the attack?

Dog owners sometimes attempt to avoid liability by claiming the injured victim provoked the attack. However, Montana uses a comparative negligence rule, meaning you can still recover compensation even if you bear partial responsibility. The amount you receive will decline by your percentage of fault, so it’s important to have an attorney who can gather evidence to counter such claims.

How long will it take to resolve my dog bite case?

The timeline depends on various factors, like the case’s complexity and whether you can reach a settlement quickly or the case goes to trial. Some cases settle in months, while others may take over a year. Your Kalispell dog bite lawyer will keep you up to date about the expected timeline and any potential delays.

Why Choose Travis, Moore & Brann PLLP for Your Kalispell Dog Bite Case?

When you choose Travis, Moore & Brann PLLP, you’re not just hiring a Kalispell dog bite lawyer; you’re partnering with a team that genuinely cares. What’s the role of your lawyer? Here’s what makes us stand out:

  • Compassionate Advocacy: We listen carefully to your story to understand your needs and fears. We tailor our legal strategies to address each client’s unique concerns and fight for the compensation necessary to help you heal and move forward.
  • Local Knowledge: We know Montana’s dog bite laws, understand the state’s legal precedents, and are familiar with local courts and the people who serve on them.
  • Results-Driven Representation: Our goal is to maximize your compensation through thorough investigation, negotiation, and, if necessary, aggressive litigation. We explore every legal avenue to strengthen your claim and have a proven track record of winning substantial settlements.
  • Support Network: From your first consultation to the final resolution, you will receive attentive support from our dedicated legal team. We’ll guide you through every step, keep you informed, and ensure you feel confident and empowered.
  • No Upfront Costs: We believe everyone deserves justice, so we operate on a contingency fee basis. You don’t pay any fees unless we win your case, reducing your financial stress and allowing you to focus on recovery.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

A severe dog bite can upend your life for a long time to come. Don’t let the dog attacks or responsible party escape accountability. The Kalispell dog bite lawyer at Travis, Moore & Brann PLLP are ready to fight for your rights and demand fair compensation for what you’ve suffered. Contact us or by calling our law firm today to schedule a free consultation and start your journey to recovery.

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