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Kalispell Truck Accident Lawyer

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The results can be catastrophic when a large commercial truck hits a passenger vehicle. The force of impact can result in devastating injuries to the driver of the smaller vehicle, leading to significant medical bills and an extensive treatment plan to restore the driver’s physical health. Some injury victims of truck accidents deal with lifelong complications and permanent disabilities as a result of the collision. A Kalispell truck accident lawyer at Travis, Moore & Brann PLLP can help by putting our knowledge, extensive experience, track record, resources, and time into your fight for justice.

If you were recently involved in an accident with a careless or inattentive commercial truck driver, you may face numerous obstacles to fully restoring your life. Pursuing an injury claim against the driver, their employer, their insurance company, and any other responsible parties can help you secure compensation for your medical expenses, lost income, property damage, and other losses.

Let us support you and work to recover the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your situation.

Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Commercial truck accidents can stem from various factors, often leading to devastating consequences. Among the most common causes are driver fatigue and drowsiness, which can result from long hours on the road without adequate rest breaks. Distractions, such as mobile devices, navigation systems, or eating while driving, also contribute significantly to accidents.

Another prevalent cause of car accidents is speeding. Commercial truck drivers may face tight schedules, leading them to exceed posted speed limits or drive faster than current conditions should allow. Additionally, poor vehicle maintenance can result in mechanical failures like brake malfunctions or tire blowouts, significantly increasing the risk of accidents.

Unsafe driving behaviors like aggressive maneuvering, tailgating, or failure to yield the right of way are also significant contributors to truck accidents. Montana’s weather conditions, especially rain, snow, or ice, can further exacerbate these risks, as large trucks require extra time and distance to stop safely.

Finally, inadequate driver training and supervision, coupled with insufficient adherence to safety regulations, can amplify the likelihood of accidents. Addressing these common causes necessitates comprehensive measures such as improved driver training, stricter regulation enforcement, and investments in technology to enhance vehicle safety and monitor road conditions.

Your Kalispell truck accident lawyer will thoroughly investigate the truck accident case to determine its causes and who should be held liable for your injuries.

Common Truck Accident Injuries

Commercial truck accidents often result in severe injuries to accident victims due to the size and weight disparity between trucks and smaller vehicles. Some of the most serious injury common injuries include:

  • Whiplash and Neck Injuries – Sudden stops or impacts can cause the head to jerk violently, leading to soft tissue damage in the neck.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries – Severe truck accidents can result in damage to the spinal cord, leading to paralysis or loss of sensation.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) – Head trauma from collisions can cause concussions or more severe TBIs, resulting in long-term cognitive and physical impairments.
  • Broken Bones and Fractures – High-impact accidents can cause broken bones in various parts of the body.
  • Internal Injuries – Blunt force trauma from collisions can harm internal organs, leading to internal bleeding or organ failure.

These and other commercial truck accident injuries often require extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation. They may result in long-term disabilities that severely limit victims’ physical abilities going forward. In tragic truck accident cases, these very serious injuries may be fatal.

What Are the Rules for Truck Drivers in Montana?

The trucking industry is subject to state and federal rules and regulations designed to promote road safety. These regulations govern all aspects of the industry, including:

  • Hours of service (HOS) regulations
  • Commercial driver’s license (CDL) requirements
  • Driver qualification standards
  • Vehicle maintenance regulations
  • Drug and alcohol testing programs for drivers
  • Electronic logging device (ELD) mandate
  • Weight and size regulations for commercial vehicles
  • Hazardous materials transportation regulations
  • Cargo securement rules

Failure to comply with these and other regulations can have significant implications. For instance, if a truck driver exceeds the allowable hours of service without adequate rest breaks, it can lead to driver fatigue, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Similarly, poorly maintained vehicles or improperly secured cargo can pose serious hazards to other drivers and road users.

In a serious trucking accident or accident injury claim, violations of industry regulations can strengthen the injured party’s case by demonstrating negligence on the part of the trucking company, driver, or another party. Understanding and analyzing the relevant rules and regulations is crucial in determining liability and pursuing compensation for injuries sustained in a truck accident.

Who Is Liable for Truck Accidents?

Determining liability in a truck accident claim can be complex, as these accidents may involve multiple parties who may share responsibility. Liable parties in vehicle accidents may include:

  • Truck drivers, who are responsible for adhering to traffic laws, maintaining control of the vehicle, and driving safely
  • Trucking companies, which are responsible for ensuring drivers are adequately trained, vehicles are well-maintained, and operations comply with regulations
  • Vehicle manufacturers, who are liable for defects in the truck or its components that contribute to the accident
  • Cargo loaders, who are liable if improper loading or securement of cargo leads to the accident
  • Government entities, which are liable if road defects or inadequate signage contribute to the accident

Your lawyer will determine liability by conducting a thorough investigation, which may involve reviewing accident reports, gathering evidence from the scene, examining vehicle maintenance records, analyzing driver logs, and consulting with experts. They assess the actions of each party involved to determine who failed in their responsibility and contributed to the accident, thus establishing liability.

Potential Compensation in Montana Truck Accident Claims

You may be entitled to various forms of compensation to cover your losses following a truck accident. Potential compensation includes:

  • Medical Expenses – Coverage for current and future medical costs related to injuries sustained in the accident
  • Rehabilitation Costs – Coverage for expenses related to physical therapy, rehabilitation, or long-term care
  • Lost Wages – Compensation for income lost due to time taken off work during recovery
  • Pain and Suffering – Damages for physical and emotional distress resulting from the accident
  • Property Damage – Reimbursement for repair or replacement of damaged vehicles or property
  • Loss of Consortium – Compensation for the impact of the injuries on your relationship with your spouse or family members

To recover this compensation, you may file a personal injury claim against the liable parties. Compensation aims to restore your financial and emotional well-being to the fullest extent possible following the accident.

How a Kalispell Truck Accident Lawyer Can Help

Truck accident claims can be very complex cases that are far more complicated than those for most accidents involving standard passenger vehicles. This is due to the combination of complex federal regulations, the number of potentially liable parties, and the severity of injuries. An attorney at Travis, Moore & Brann PLLP can help by providing:

  • Legal Counsel – Offering expert guidance on your rights, potential claims, and the legal process involved in seeking compensation
  • Investigation – Conducting a thorough investigation into the accident to gather evidence, such as witness statements, accident reports, and expert opinions, to establish liability
  • Documentation – Assisting in compiling and organizing necessary documentation, including medical records, bills, and employment records, to support your claim
  • Negotiation – Engaging in negotiations and mediations with insurance companies and their legal teams to pursue a fair settlement that adequately compensates you for your losses
  • Litigation – Representing you in court if a fair settlement cannot be reached, advocating for your interests during trial proceedings
  • Legal Strategy – Developing a tailored legal strategy based on the specifics of the case to maximize the chances of a successful outcome
  • Emotional Support – Providing compassionate support and guidance throughout the legal process, alleviating stress and uncertainty

Why You Should Hire a Kalispell Truck Accident Lawyer

Your Kalispell truck accident lawyer at Travis, Moore & Brann PLLP will serve as a dedicated advocate, working to secure the compensation you deserve and helping you through the challenges of the legal system during a difficult time.

It’s essential to hire a personal injury lawyer right away following a truck accident for several reasons. For starters, certain physical evidence may be harder to collect and analyze if too much time passes. Similarly, your attorney will need to interview any eyewitnesses as soon as possible to record their observations. This should be done before their memories of the accident fade.

Finally, it limits the amount of time you have to file a personal injury lawsuit following a truck accident. You have three years from the accident date to file a lawsuit. If not, you risk losing your opportunity to recover compensation for your injuries and other losses. Your attorney will file this paperwork promptly to preserve your right to damages.

Contact Travis, Moore & Brann PLLP Today for a Free Consultation

A truck accident can change your life in an instant, leaving you with physical pain, financial stress, and anxiety about your future. You don’t have to face this challenging time alone. A Kalispell truck accident attorney at Travis, Moore & Brann PLLP can provide the support, guidance, and legal knowledge you need to move forward following a devastating truck accident. Contact our law firm online or (406) 752-7550 for a free case evaluation and consultation.

We look forward to hearing your story and reviewing your legal options. We can also help in fighting for your rights and for the justice, compensation, and closure you deserve.

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